The next meeting of the Fedora Workstation Working Group is planned
for Tuesday 27 September, at 9.30 EDT. Join links:
See below for the agenda.
#topic F37 release status
#topic Accepted blockers
[abrt] totem: nouveau_pushbuf_data(): totem killed by SIGABRT
mesa multithreading issue. Looks like the upstream fixes have been backported.
Windows with bitlocker enabled can't be booted, needs to use bootnext
instead of chainloader
No developments since last week. Adam proposal to drop the release
criteria still stands.
Abrt does not report a segfault which is reported in journalctl.
Issue from last Wednesday. Unclear how much progress has been made on a fix.
gnome-software: Correct property name in GsRemovalDialog .ui file
Milan is working on this.
#topic Proposed blockers
systemd returns an empty string for the chassis type
This is the missing Device Security panel issue. We're waiting on
Richard's downstream systemd PR to be merged and released.
Votes are currently -2
Nautilus thumbnailing doesn't work on hidpi screens
Matthias has an open GLib MR for this.
Votes are currently -2
GNOME keeps activating airplane mode on startup [when wi-fi and
bluetooth are disabled]
No signs of this getting attention, so far.
Currently on +1 votes
#topic Give ABRT some lurve
Where is this at?
#topic Consider limiting journal size
Latest action was to create a concrete proposal, but who should do
this, and where would the proposal go?
#topic Announcements, Status Updates
#info The minutes from last week have been posted.