I want to start a discussion about the package list on a possible f7-kde-livecd. It would be much easier for me to test some configurations when the direction is cleared. :)
So I've got some questions:
1. Configuration: Do we want (according to the gnome/desktop-livecd) a base configuration and an "advanced" configuration? Of course only one (the advanced) would be created and published. But having a standard configuration would it make easier to change some things.
2. Browser/Email: Do we want Firefox and/or Evolution on the live-cd? (Be aware that space is limited)
3. Do we want krusader and/or dolphin on the live-cd? In general: Do we want duplications in the functionality of applications (not as easy as it sounds; eg. amarok vs. noatun?
4. What about localisation? The kde-i18n-packages are not really slim. So perhaps putting them on a live-dvd would be the better idea (gnome/desktop-livecd is fully localized)
For comparison of sizes (the named packages are listed in 20-fedora-livecd-kde.conf and of course have dependencies):
a) A suggested base cd has the size of ~474 MB (here on i386)
Packages: chkconfig, xorg-x11-drivers, system-config-display, vim-minimal pirut, setroubleshoot, system-config-rootpassword, system-config-printer, alsa-utils, dejavu-lgc-fonts, arts, kdelibs, kdebase, kdeadmin, kdeaccessibility, kdeartwork, kdebindings, kdegraphics, kdenetwork, kdepim, knetworkmanager, k3b, kaffeine, kpowersave
b) An "advanced" CD uses ~705 MB.
Packages: as in a) plus: kdeartwork-icons, kdeedu, kdegames, kdetoys, kdeutils, akode, amarok, beryl-kde, cups, digikam, digikamimageplugins, gnupg2, gpgme, gstreamer-plugins-base, gstreamer-plugins-good, gstreamer-tools, gtk-qt-engine, kmenu-gnome, koffice-suite, konversation, krusader, ktorrent, pinentry-qt, twinkle, taskjuggler, samba-client
c) A localized cd with kde-i18n-* uses ~690MB.
Packages: chkconfig, xorg-x11-drivers, system-config-display, vim-minimal, pirut, setroubleshoot, system-config-rootpassword, alsa-utils, dejavu-lgc-fonts, kdelibs, kdebase, arts, kdeaccessibility, kdeartwork, kdebindings, kdegraphics, kdenetwork, kdepim, knetworkmanager
(I'm surely missed some usefull packages) ---
So the steps for the next time should be:
1. Decide about the packages that should definitely be there (as base configuration (eg. kdenetwork: yes; kdegames: no)
2. Decide about the configuration for livecd-creator (eg. 20-fedora-livecd-kde.conf AND 30-fedora-livecd-kde-advanced.conf OR only one configuration)
3. Decide about the addon packages. Not all from http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/PackageList could be integrated into one cd.
4. Test the configurations on all archs (not sure if the size is the same on x86_64 or ppc).
Of course, these things are all suggestions. :)
Will be happy about some feedback
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
I want to start a discussion about the package list on a possible f7-kde-livecd. It would be much easier for me to test some configurations when the direction is cleared. :)
So I've got some questions:
- Configuration: Do we want (according to the gnome/desktop-livecd) a
base configuration and an "advanced" configuration? Of course only one (the advanced) would be created and published. But having a standard configuration would it make easier to change some things.
I would prefer just a standard configuration. I dont think a split is necessary. The tools should be easy enough to use a single configuration as a template to customize the packages further.
- Browser/Email: Do we want Firefox and/or Evolution on the live-cd?
(Be aware that space is limited)
How much space? If there is space, it might be useful to include them.
- Do we want krusader and/or dolphin on the live-cd? In general:
Do we want duplications in the functionality of applications (not as easy as it sounds; eg. amarok vs. noatun?
We have to get a complete list of potential duplicates and decide on a case by case basis I think. While Krusader and Konqueror are both advanced user tool, I would consider including Dolphin as the default file manager (especially since it has got commonly requested features like tree view and is scheduled to be the default for KDE 4) and configure Konqueror to be the default web browser with the profile being configured appropriate.
- What about localisation? The kde-i18n-packages are not really slim.
So perhaps putting them on a live-dvd would be the better idea (gnome/desktop-livecd is fully localized)
You probably cant include Openoffice.org if you include I18N packages. I guess doing what GNOME live CD does makes sense. Do you plan on providing a live DVD too?
b) An "advanced" CD uses ~705 MB.
Accessibility is also important. Do these sizes refer to compressed ones?
Am Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:47:28 +0530 schrieb Rahul Sundaram sundaram@fedoraproject.org:
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
I want to start a discussion about the package list on a possible f7-kde-livecd. It would be much easier for me to test some configurations when the direction is cleared. :)
So I've got some questions:
- Configuration: Do we want (according to the
gnome/desktop-livecd) a base configuration and an "advanced" configuration? Of course only one (the advanced) would be created and published. But having a standard configuration would it make easier to change some things.
I would prefer just a standard configuration. I dont think a split is necessary. The tools should be easy enough to use a single configuration as a template to customize the packages further.
I now think so, too. When also creating a live dvd, three configuration files would be too much.
- Browser/Email: Do we want Firefox and/or Evolution on the
live-cd? (Be aware that space is limited)
How much space? If there is space, it might be useful to include them.
Only including firefox: Iso is 30 Mb bigger. Including firefox and evolution: Iso is 40 Mb bigger.
- Do we want krusader and/or dolphin on the live-cd? In general:
Do we want duplications in the functionality of applications (not as easy as it sounds; eg. amarok vs. noatun?
We have to get a complete list of potential duplicates and decide on a case by case basis I think. While Krusader and Konqueror are both advanced user tool, I would consider including Dolphin as the default file manager (especially since it has got commonly requested features like tree view and is scheduled to be the default for KDE 4) and configure Konqueror to be the default web browser with the profile being configured appropriate.
I haven't tried dolphin for a long time. But last time it was not localized and seems in an early stage (but functional). What I have read dolphin for KDE4 is developed while developing of dolphin for KDE3 was stopped. But I'm not sure with this. In KDE3 konqueror is the default filemanager and I don't think we should change this for a live cd.
- What about localisation? The kde-i18n-packages are not really
slim. So perhaps putting them on a live-dvd would be the better idea (gnome/desktop-livecd is fully localized)
You probably cant include Openoffice.org if you include I18N packages. I guess doing what GNOME live CD does makes sense. Do you plan on providing a live DVD too?
Localisation could only be included in a live dvd, I think. Otherwise there would not be any other packages than some of the official kde ones (eg no koffice or amarok due to space limitation). The packages of kde-i18n-* and koffice-langpack-* takes about 340 Mb (downloaded rpms). ATM I'm not sure if livecd-creator is able to create a dvd. But having a dvd (at least for localisation) would be great.
b) An "advanced" CD uses ~705 MB.
Accessibility is also important. Do these sizes refer to compressed ones?
This was the size of the iso file created by mkisofs. The "advanced" version I'm playing around with now is about 683MB.
I've set up a preliminary wiki page where I have described some configurations: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SebastianVahl/KDELiveCD This version is still splitted into three versions and it was not discussed so far. Just want to have a start for todays KDE-SIG meeting. Then it will be changed.
In todays KDE-SIG-Meeting [1] we had a start of discussion.
A short summary: - create only one cd-version - try to include only one application for one task (depends on kde* package splitting) - not include firefox and evolution due to space limitation (if there would be enough space only include firefox) - not use dolphin as default file-manager (it is not ready yet)
(Please correct me if I get a point wrong)
After that I have created a wiki page for the KDE-LiveCD: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD
And I've also created a new set of rpms which only include the most important packages (all of them are noticed in the wiki page).[2] So there is space to add more. The creation of the livecd is described in the wiki page. There's also a place to add suggestions for the additional packages.
So far, Sebastian
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/SIGs/KDE?action=AttachFile&do=get&a... [2] http://www.deadbabylon.de/fedora/livecd/
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