Greetings, my name is Alejandro Lopez from Slimbook Computers and I'm writing this email following Matthew's advice.

We are hardware company committed to the flawless integration and improvement of the end user experience with the Linux OS and the hardware it runs on.

We were given the chance to work together with the KDE team back in 2016 when other laptop brands didn't even think about it, and after getting the approval from both parties, the objective of our collaboration was the birth of a modern and sleek device that excelled in performance and provided a flawless user experience for the community.

The intent of this email is to let you know that the current demand for your amazing Fedora distribution is 2% from all our orders, and we think that this should change. I've sent to Matthew some general reports on which distros are currently in demand from our customers, and KDE Neon had an exponential growth versus other distros.

What are your thoughts on this situation?

I believe that we should work something out together to fix this.
I think we should do more than offer Fedora as just another operating system (the user can choose up to 12 distributions).

Thank you,
Alejandro López
The BEST GNU/Linux computers since 2015
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