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From: Mayank Verma <mayank.verma048@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 9:48 PM
Subject: GSOC: Introduction
To: summer-coding@lists.fedoraproject.org

Hi everyone,
I'm Mayank Verma, 2nd year CS student at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India. 
I'd like to contribute to the Fedora community by developing a new application that eases migration from an old system to a new one with the help of an external HDD as swapping internal hard disks is not something that every user is capable of. Currently, nearly all articles available on the web explain achieving this task using CLI. However, to be truly user-friendly I'd like to create a GUI utility for this that handles nearly all errors without user intervention.
I'm interested in pursuing on this idea, as I've myself spent days in migrating my Fedora installation (LVM Live Migration) from my old notebook to a new one due to errors that I've encountered during the process including:
  1. Complexity in booting from external HDD due to incompatibility between GPT and MBR partitioning schemes when the internal HDD is GPT while external HDD is MBR.
  2. Additional complexity when your Fedora partition is luks encrypted.
  3. Corruption of GRUB, Fstab and other configurations during the migration process.
  4. Potential driver conflicts (especially proprietary ones like Nvidia).
I'm fairly good at programming in C, C++, Java and Python.
I'd like to know how to find mentors who might be interested in my project idea so that I can discuss my idea in detail.

My FAS id: mayankverma048
Github: https://github.com/mayank-verma048