On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 10:46 AM, Kamil Paral <kparal@redhat.com> wrote:
For example, has anyone tested:

a) whether downloading files in Firefox will inhibit suspend or the downloads will be aborted during progress?
b) whether DNF inhibits suspend during operation or $scary_consequences?
c) whether Rhythmbox inhibits suspend when playing music?
d) whether gnome-disks inhibits suspend while operating on devices (e.g. writing a disk clone, or checking SMART)?
e) whether Pitivi inhibits suspend while rendering video?
f) whether Nautilus inhibits suspend while copying files (possibly to even a remote location)?

Here's another "broken" use case that we found today:

Currently there seems to be no (graphical) way to disable auto-suspend system wide. Which means the system will auto-suspend regardless of your settings when you perform user switching. It's somewhat unintuitive that suspend, as a system-wide action, is considered a per-user setting (the active user overrides all inactive users), and there's no option to set it system-wide.