On 4 June 2014 14:36, Matthew Miller <mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 04, 2014 at 03:01:33PM +0200, Kalev Lember wrote:
> > Windows. If GNOME Boxes, libvirt, etc. is installed by default then I'll
> > remove it and install VirtualBox. That's not because I prefer VBox - I
> > don't at all - but because Microsoft provides images for VBox and making
> > them work nicely with libvirt is a hassle I can do without.
> This is a very good use case, thanks for bringing this up.
> Is there anything we could do to make it easier for you? I know
> VirtualBox distributes their stuff upstream in rpm format, but compiles
> parts of it (the kernel modules) after installation. Would it make it
> easier to set up VirtualBox if we included the kernel-devel and gcc
> packages in the default install?

Or alternately, can we make it so those provided VBox images _just work_
with our open virtualization software?

Yep, that'd be great.

When I first set-up my system I was using libvirt to run a sandbox VM (I needed an Ubuntu server :( ). When I learned of the MSIE VMs and downloaded one I was optimistic about being able to run it using libvirt: those images are OVAs. It took quite some effort to research how to convert the format, and when I finally managed it I had terrible display resolution and Windows was complaining about not being Genuine. All this was incidental to my actual work, so I took the faster route and moved my sandbox VM over to VBox.

I'd happily have continued to use Fedora's default open virtualisation software, except that I had work to do and it wasn't helping me do that.

"Racing turtles, the grapefruit is winning..."