On 2022-05-17 08:31, Matthew Miller wrote:
A comprehensive and generally positive revew here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5d0dfq_Ew8 (h/t Neal for pointing it out!)

A couple of things struck me as worth working on as we reach wider and wider
audience. These both GNOME UI elements, so maybe it's something where we can
find a way to improve things upstream too.

* He gets that the keyboard is the beset way to use the shell to launch
  apps. But it _is_ a lot of clicks if you're doing it the all-mouse way. I
  I think we should look into dash/dock options.
It seems like an old habit from users getting too used to the Windows style navigation. Maybe show them how to effectively navigate with the combination of keyboard and mouseĀ«

* People are still hung up on maximize. I'm not in favor of adding buttons,
  but I think the drag-to-top-to-maximize / side-to-split functionality
  isn't discoverable enough. How can we make that more apparent?

How about setting useful tips or suggesting a guide tour for first time users unfamiliar with GNOME environment?

Luya Tshimbalanga
Fedora Design Team
Fedora Design Suite maintainer