On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 5:02 PM Matthew Miller <mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> 3. To list all available playback devices -> *pw-cat -p --list-targets*

Yeah, so, just now, this was not showing my Arctis headphones, so I did
systemctl --user restart pipewire, which makes them show up -- but the GNOME
sound control panel doesn't show them. It shows the headphones-jack
headphones. But audio is going to the Arctis ones! But, the volume control
doesn't work.

Recently there were some issues with the volume control in Gnome, see this bug for example https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1912062.
You might be able to restart the pipewire-pulse service, too, to get that working.
If it doesn't help, you should be able to manipulate volume & co. using pavucontrol.

On my machine, volume control on Gnome panel works fine, but I never change the sound card. One machine is a desktop with Focusrite Scarlett constantly connected, others are laptops with no docking station using the built-in audio only.

Hope that helps.


Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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