Hi Guys,

We are currently working hard on the lyrics, but here is a chord progression that we thought would fit quite well...


The idea is that Section A describes Fedora as a metaphorical man (the singer will be female) wearing a Fedora.
Section B (or bridge) we thought would be great as a cheerleader-style chant and could be used on it's own as a shorter version.

Something like this:

"F (is for free), E (not enigmatic for me) D (for the débutantes --- crying out Fedora is what they want!)"

Might write a number of these chants with different themes so they can be taken out and used to emphasise a particular area of strength of Fedora?

The inspiration for the mention of débutantes came from Mizmo's comic book.. thought it was quite fitting! he he! :D

Comments obviously welcome, if you have a Soundcloud account you can comment against any section of the song if you feel that more appropriate.
