On 03/10/2011 06:05 PM, Onyeibo Oku wrote:
On 03/10/2011 12:17 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
What kind of paper would you recommend using? That paper looks pretty thick. I could try to print one out and take a photo with my SLR. ~M
Guess what? I feel like sending someone a fedora FreeMedia suddenly. I think the mailer should look cool on a photo paper (matt). That should be more than 80gsm and thick enough to give it a prestigious mass. I am also inspired to create a 3D imagery of the mailer and a FreeMedia using Blender (nice project for a spare time, I think ... hmmm, and one that might accentuate the FreeMedia web page).
I'm looking forward to the SLR version. I don't have a pro camera ... just a BB Pearl 8100 cam for capturing casual stuff.
Looks like people here like shiny things. All the local stores around me have glossy A4 photo papers. I have to research some matt art papers in the main Mart. Meanwhile, I decided to try ordinary envelopes and I found some with excellent thickness -- somewhere between that of regular A4 bond sheets and thick art paper. They are larger than CD sleeves, but that came in handy too.
I like to protect the media so the extra space accommodated the padding. Nah, we don't have those neat, cute, fancy puffed envelopes in my Country. What do you know? That makes for a custom Fedora Envelop print! So I adapted the Freemedia Mailer Design to my discovered Envelop and it actually looked cool ... very convincing. see: http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/126/improvision.jpg
*Two problems*: 1. The texture of the envelop is not friendly with the LaserJet toner inks (unless the toners they ship to my Country are fakes). They peel on friction! (see:http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/9593/peeling.jpg ). So now I need aerosol fixatives to fasten the ink. Bad idea!
2. I wish they were sky blue or white. The brown doesn't cut it. But, hey! It was fun and it looked authentic ... very official.
Conclusion: ----------- It might be necessary to have variations of the Design for select envelop size(s) for those sending two(2 or 3) media ... or those who like to be over-protective ... like me :) I know you guys have it good with stationery there :). Throw some at me.
Apologies: ---------- The pictures were taken with a Camera Phone ... not too good, I know.