
2013/1/8 Luya Tshimbalanga <luya@fedoraproject.org>
On 06/01/13 03:24 PM, Lailah wrote:


        These are my points of view:

  • Drop Cinepaint.  But I have to ask, there's some sort of replacement for it?
I  think Blender can do something similar as far as I know

No, Cinepaint has more color depth as GIMP and it can work with HDR pictures, that has nothing to do with Blender

  • Yes, replace Fontmatrix with Font-manager.
  • Drop Postr.
  • I don't know both programs enough but I would say yes, replace Rawtherapee with Darktable.
Darktable looks more modern.

  • What is "hugin"?  You say is huge but I don't know what it is.
hugin can be used to stitch multiple images together. The resulting image can span 360 degrees. Another common use is the creation of very high resolution pictures by combining multiple images. It uses the Panorama Tools as back-end to create high quality images. I never used it myself.

  • Re-enable pdfmod.
  • Don't replace Evolution please!!!
  • Audacity is better than Jokosher.  Put it.
  • I agree with including fonts.

Now, a suggestion:  Why Gnome Shell as desktop?  Why not other?
Gnome is always the default desktop environment in Fedora.

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