
2012/12/12 Máirín Duffy <duffy@fedoraproject.org>
Hi design dudettes and dudes,

The marketing team is working on launching a Fedora-focused online
magazine [1] (similar to something like http://worldofgnome.org/ or
http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/ ) for the Fedora Community. We have a
WordPress install set up here for it (we're working on getting a better


This is pretty much a blank canvas for us to work with. Does anyone have
ideas for how the magazine should look? Any ideas for the logo? (Should
we follow the standard Fedora logo conventions for website or bend the
rules [2] a little bit?)

We'll need some mockups for how we want this to look, and I'm happy to
try my hand at implementing them as a WordPress theme (although if any
of you have WordPress theme authoring expertise and wouldn't mind
helping, that would be awesome!!!!)



[1] If you want to read more about this initiative, the meeting minutes
about it are available here:


we might not only think on this as a wp theme, if they want to publish that magazine as download version in pdf, epub or whatever

br gnokii

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