Yay! now running rawhide on an external drive and loving it

Okay, from the arts perspective the UI on most applications still sucks ... mainly because of faulty fonts settings.  I am also reading up on how to tweak those, any pointer is helpful.  I decided to try Blender 2.5 from fedora repository (felt neat to have it there ... have been building mine for months now).  Hmmm .... it installs alright but loads partially.  The terminal says

bpy: couldnt find 'scripts/modules', blender probably wont start.
ImportError: No module named bpy_types
ImportError: No module named bpy_types
pyrna_srna_ExternalType: failed to find 'bpy_types' module
ImportError: No module named bpy_types
ImportError: No module named bpy_types
pyrna_srna_ExternalType: failed to find 'bpy_types' module

..... blah ... blah

That is one design application that is not behaving in yet for F15.  Any ideas where this information will be more useful?   Thanks for not feeling pissed ... I know this is not purely design talk.