Hi everybody:
My name is Benny Chen. I am currently a high school student, i have used fedora since fedora 7. I have a fair amount of knowledge in gimp and inkscape etc. i would like to help out somehow in the summer holiday for fedora 13 if possible.

anyways i apologise if i am giving this suggestion at the wrong place. I was trying to post the fedora count-down counter for Fedora 12
<script id="fedora-banner" type="text/javascript" src="http://fedoraproject.org/static/js/release-counter-ext.js?lang=en"></script>
i couldnt get this to work, so i searched to find the fedora group on facebook, they don't provide anything similar. so i was just thinking : is it a good idea to make a facebook application with fedora counter, so fedora can gain some publicity?

I apologise if this email should go somewhere else>.< but i thought the artwork team made the counter, so this is the place to ask