Well if I am to talk about my interest I love watching star trek, I used to enjoy movies and shows of the MCU not so much lately!
My all time favorite book is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I like to code in C for personal amusement and just to check my skills nothing out of the ordinary.
I like to watch sitcoms mostly American, I love ricing my linux desktop not for r/unixporn but just cause it's fun. I plan on pursing a PhD in Computer Science I haven't picked a
specialization, mostly cause I like to keep my options open and I don't wanna miss out!
I also love open source software cause well it's just better. That's enough about me!

~ aryan
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-------- Original Message --------
On Jul 5, 2022, 17:04, Drayton Davis < davisdrayton8@gmail.com> wrote:

Let's talk more what are your interest

On Sun, Jul 3, 2022, 3:53 AM Aryan Singh <zer0as@protonmail.com> wrote:

Hi, I am Aryan Singh. I also go by a115 or zer0as on the internet. I am new to the Fedora's development community. I have been a user for about 3 years.

Fedora is how I got started using Linux in the first place.

And as such, when I was looking for a team to join to polish my skills and give back to the community that I love, I saw it fit to join this team.

Now on to my skills.

I am pretty okay at programming in C and I am currently learning Rust. Although I have no experience working in large teams, I am hoping that's something I will get to learn here.

I have worked with multiple teams as a designer and have a respectable knowledge of this discipline. If any team needs another volunteer, I would be happy to join. My email is: zer0as@protonmail.com.

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