Hi folks,
Here's our meeting minutes:
= F15 supplemental wallpapers =
* The Fedora 15 supplemental wallpaper submissions deadline is very, very close (March 7). At our next meeting (March 8) we will decide the wallpapers we'll be including.
* Please, if you or anyone you know has artwork or photography that would make a great wallpaper, please encourage them to submit ASAP. Here are the URLs:
** Submit via wiki: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F15_Artwork_Supplemental_Wallpapers_Submission...
** Submit via Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/fedora-wallpapers/
* Tatica reviewed some of the pieces at http://www.flickr.com/groups/freewallpapersvenezuela/ and contacted the photographers for relicensing for Fedora.
= F15 Wallpaper =
* Tatica has been hard at work doing another iteration for the (non-GNOME) wallpaper. Here's a mockup to show the progress:
** http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F15/sky-background1.png
* All of the source SVGs and work-in progress are here:
** http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F15/
* Some elements and the work needed on them:
** steampunk bird http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F15/bird-steampunk.png <= needs work on lower part of body and shadows
** living bird http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Themes/F15/bird1-b-mock.png <= needs work on textures
** composition idea: the composition is going to be changed to only have one tree, similar to http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/133/cache/che...
= Design Hackfest =
After that we basically had some informal chat and worked on the wallpaper together.