Hello everyone.
I am Felipe from México City i am a graphic designer. I am 35 years old
and i have worked for some dot-com companies in the past. I am an avid
advocate of pinguins and since 1995 i am a Linux user.
I studied my professional licensed degree in graphic design at Mexico
City Universidad Iberoamericana <http:%5C%5Cwww.uia.mx> and my skils
have been spread into several cathegories: Web, packaging, typography,
illustration, animation, and all sorts of graphic magic. I personally
enjoy signaling and communication theory and fundamentals.
I have read the documents on the wiki page and i am starting the
process, so my next step is to read the CLA document and after that i
will take a look at the ticket spool and see where can i help.
I hope i can give back a little bit of what this community has given to me.