On 09/16/2010 08:40 PM, Xavier J wrote:

Hello All,
I know this is rather a ruby question than deltacloud. I am quite new to ruby so any help would be appreciated. 

When I run ./script/server to start the agrgtr, I get the permission error. So I try to execute the rake dc:site_admin[xxx] command. Then I get the following error.

/usr/bin/rake:19:in `load'
Missing these required gems:

You're running:
  ruby at /usr/bin/ruby
  rubygems 1.3.7 at /root/.gem/ruby/1.8, /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

I do have scruffy installed, but it isn't working!

[root@fedora13 src]# rake gems
(in /root/deltacloud/aggregator/src)
 - [F] authlogic
    - [R] activesupport
 - [F] deltacloud-client >=
    - [F] rest-client >= 1.4.2
       - [F] mime-types >= 1.16
    - [R] nokogiri >= 1.4.1
 - [F] haml
 - [F] will_paginate
 - [R] nokogiri >= 1.4.0
 - [F] gnuplot
 - [F] scruffy
 - [F] compass >= 0.10.2
    - [F] haml >= 3.0.4
 - [F] compass-960-plugin
    - [F] compass >= 0.10.0.rc3
       - [F] haml >= 3.0.4
 - [F] simple-navigation

I = Installed
F = Frozen
R = Framework (loaded before rails starts)

I notice scriffy is "Frozen". What does it mean? How do I get it working?

Again sorry for posting this question here.


When gems are frozen in rails, the particular version is unpacked into your vendor directory, so that rails will use that and ignore anything installed system wide or in your ~/.gem dir. To unfreeze simply run 'rake rails:unfreeze'  (to get a list of all supported rake tasks, run 'rake -T')

Somewhat weird that the scruffy gem is reporting as missing. What does 'gem list -d scruffy' turn up. Does it work after gem installing scruffy?

Also you shouldn't get a permission error when running ./script/server. What is the error exactly? The rake dc:site_admin[user] simply grants a deltacloud user (in the db) site admin privileges in the ui.
