Hi Eduardo,

We at Locaweb (the biggest hosting provider in Brazil) are probably going to be compliant with the deltacloud API very soon.

We have the biggest public cloud computing IaaS offer in Latin America and we might somehow help you with a huge case if you are interested. 

I'm 'fabiokung' in #deltacloud@freenode. Let's keep in touch.


-- Fabio Kung

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Eduardo Otubo <otubo@linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I'm not very active on this project, but I've been keeping an eye on it
since the very beginning on last year. I've been studying and reading
all the email and patches here in the list because it is a very
interesting topic for me. Unfortunately I had no time to contribute
with actual code. But now I think I have a great way to contribute to
the project, I submitted a paper to the FISL and it has been accepted.

For those who do not know, FISL[1] is the Brazilian International Forum
of Free Software (the acronym is in pt_BR). It hits the 11th edition
this year and it's going to happen from 21st to 24th of July in Porto

I asked some folks on the IRC channel a couple of month ago if someone
was interested to come and talk about the project but no one could
come. So I volunteered myself to prepare a lecture to this so big event
here in Brazil.

The thing is, my lecture was accepted but don't know if IBM will be
able to fund my trip. But I don't want to wait the answer to start
working on the slides and the content of the lecture, need to get it
done as soon as possible to make a great work for us all.

My idea is to talk about (not on this order):
 * How DeltaCloud works / macro view / cases
 * Internals

The audience will be very technical, but some business guys will be
around. That's why I put that high level information in the list.

So, I am opening this topic for comments and ideas. Any kind of help
will be very welcome :)


[1] - http://softwarelivre.org/fisl11

ps.: For those who use to be in the IRC, I am 'otubo' both in #virt @
OFTC and #deltacloud @ Freenode.

Eduardo Otubo
Software Engineer
Linux Technology Center
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Mobile: +55 19 8135 0885
deltacloud-devel mailing list