Hi Christian,

unfortunately, the thing with ABRT deleting crash reports is not a bug, it's a feature.

ABRT tries to be smart and to not to destroy your machine by filling 100% disk space - running out of disk space a big problem. This goal is achieved by a check for _free space_ on the partition with DumpLocation (usually /var/spool/abrt). If free space is lower than MaxCrashReportsSize/4, ABRT goes to remove its files. So with higher MaxCrashReportsSize you need more free disk space.

While I like this effort, the implementation deserves to be made it more wise and the log message must be definitely updated, because it doesn't tell you what's wrong.

> If MaxCrashReportsSize is not reached and crashes are still deleted
> it is probably a bug. What OS (distro and version) are you using?

Fedora 25. Any details to attach to the bug?

> If you install packages manually from koji, package are not signed and you have to
> set 'OpenGPGCheck' option to 'yes' in
> /etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf
> to catch such a crashes.


Eh, Matej, you wanted to write 'no', right? Because Christian wants stop ABRT from dropping crashes of unsigned packages.


> Removing /var/spool/abrt/last-ccpp file should help.
> Matej

Thank you!


Best regards,
