as part of the preparation for community elections in May 2018, I would like to ask people to populate Election Questionnaire [1] with questions people might have for nominees. The Questionnaire already contains questions from the last elections, however you might add your own, if you have any. In May 2018 we are going to elect members for these teams:
* FESCo (4 seats) * Fedora Council (1 seat) * Mindshare (1 seat)
You have a time till 2018-May-07 23:59:59 UTC [2] to populate the Questionnaire with your questions. Then collected questions will go to the teams when 3 top questions will be selected and will be given to each candidate to answer before voting period begins as part of campaign.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections/Questionnaire [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections#Elections_Schedule
Thanks in advance for you contribution, Jan