Hi, my previous email was sent before being finished.

El lun., 21 sept. 2020 a las 16:43, Eduard Lucena (<eduardlucena@gmail.com>) escribió:
Hi Daniel,

>> At various times this year, people have written things that appeared on
>> Planet Fedora and other people had no right of reply because their blogs
>> were never included there or blogs had been actively censored.
Cases should be reviewed separately and individually, but I think, until the proposed policy about content is approved, the Planet guidelines[1] are quite clear
The link is at the end [1].
>> Given the latest discussions taking place about what potentially amounts
>> to censorship, I feel it is critical that anybody with a view is able to
>> use all communication channels, including Planet Fedora, to draw
>> attention to whatever concerns they have.

I wonder what discussion to censor what you are talking about. We are discussing a content policy, that makes too much sense since the publishing platforms are decentralized, with a lot of platforms being contributor-driven.
> Since we're offering opinions, I'll offer mine as well.
> I feel the opposite and find blog posts unrelated to Fedora appearing
> on Planet Fedora to be a distraction.  I also feel that this isn't
> censorship as there is no inherent right to post whatever people want
> on Fedora run services.

Nonetheless, if somebody does in fact post a distraction, why shouldn't
people impacted by the distraction have a right-of-reply, in your terms,
posting a counter-distraction?

Off-topic is allowed in the current guidelines, so this discussion about "distracting content" doesn't make sense.

Eduard Lucena
Móvil: +56962318010
GNU/Linux User #589060
Ubuntu User #8749
Fedora Marketing Representative

Daniel, I know there has been some struggle from your part with the Planet, but we try to work in the best interest of the project and with good intention toward people. As we used to state, Fedora is about the Community, the people, not about the distro.

Please, feel free to open a CoC ticket about your blog's disappearance from the planet if you still feel it wasn't fair, that is why you write this with too much passion (I understand your reasons, but I can't agree with your grievance every single time a topic about content rises up).


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Planet#Appropriate_Material
Eduard Lucena
Móvil: +56962318010
GNU/Linux User #589060
Ubuntu User #8749
Fedora Marketing Representative