On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 12:42 PM Adam Williamson adamwill@fedoraproject.org wrote:
The end result of this is that we (Fedora) have somehow indicated to CPE that we have no preference whatsoever for F/OSS tooling. I do not believe that should have been the case.
For what it's worth, when I sent the list I included a reminder that FOSS is always our strong preference where viable. It was a mistake to not leave that in as a user story. I own that. I did that because of the unanimously-adopted[1] Council position that "The Fedora Project wants to advance free and open source software and as a pragmatic matter we recognize that some infrastructure needs may be best served by using closed source or non-free tools today. Therefore the Council is willing to accept closed source or non-free tools in Fedora’s infrastructure where free and open source tools are not viable or not available."
You're right that it should have remained in.
One thing I'll note here: this is *exactly* the kind of thing that would have come to light very quickly if the open process which was committed to at the start had actually been followed through on.
You are absolutely right. I screwed up.
[1] https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-council-december-2018-hackfes...