On Mon, Nov 09, 2020 at 05:05:25PM -0500, Chris Punches wrote:
My goodness, Matthew, please accept my sincere apology for misreading. I swear it said Discord the first time I read it.
Thank you! It's sometimes hard to be wrong on the internet. :) We definitely don't want to move to something proprietary. Discourse, the software are using, has been around since 2014, and is entirely open source (not merely open core, which is a rare pleasant situation I'm happy to encourage).
We've used it for https://discussion.fedoraproject.org and https://ask.fedoraproject.org for about two years, and I've been really happy with how that turned out. I'm reasonably confident that there's a future here.
On the IBM comments, let me add: I've seen no evidence of any undue IBM influence on Red Hat's corporate plans (and while I'm not exactly a corporate suit, I'm positioned well enough that I'd notice), *let alone* on Fedora. In fact, I'd really love to see IBM become a little more involved. Our resourcing from Red Hat is pretty narrowly focused (on RHEL success), and IBM could help invest in some more speculative things and wider community priorities. But, as of so far, no influence for either ill *or* good.