Yes - unblocked for now.

Bug was filed - and also fixed a few minutes ago -


On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 4:27 AM Dusty Mabe <> wrote:

On 8/22/19 7:33 PM, Shivaram Mysore wrote:
> Hi Dusty,
> Thanks for the hints.  They were very helpful.  I did the following things to get it to work correctly:
>  1. I renamed my user account to "core2" - this fixed first part of the problem.  This also included the updated group info.
>  2. I removed the /etc/hosts file creation as it was useless and conflicting with the actual generation.
>  3. modifying just /usr/lib/ignition/user.ign and rerunning coreos-installer did not work.  I started with PXE boot and reinstalled the image with the updated ignition files.
>  4. *fcct* tool *-o *option does not overwrite the file.  It tries to incorrectly update the JSON file and messes it up.  So, forcefully removing the JSON/ign file and recreating it from YAML file works. - maybe I will file a bug against this.

Sounds good. Yes please file a bug.

> Thanks again for your help\

No problem. Are you unblocked now?
