On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 04:58:20PM +0200, Engel Nyst wrote:
Point taken. Completely unrelated to yesterday's issue, I have done this as well. I apologize. I can think of a couple circumstances when my random use of different sites (all three mentioned here) to provide feedback or potential issues, might pose problems from the perspective of the normal communication through the project's primary medium.
I believe many were unbaked comments or random ideas exchanges, due more to lack of expertise (or arguably even attention), and not intended as actual proposals. However, I have also submitted a couple issues, intended as proposals for copyleft-next, on github, or as comment to existing github issues. The first has been on github by mistake/inertia: I have initially missed the project's policy, thus I have submitted a pull request on github. I have immediately afterwards switched to gitorious, for subsequent merge requests.
As for me, I was happy to receive such comments and ideas, regardless of medium. The only problem from my perspective was the practical one of having too many things to keep track of. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to discourage such participation. Same goes with pchestek. So I suppose the one mistake I made was active use of the GitHub issue tracker, yet this was not really a mistake because a few days earlier I had a presentation slide that said that the GitHub issue tracker was appropriate for use for the time being. Nevertheless I do not anticipate making further active use of the GitHub issue tracker at this time.
- RF