Hello all,
I'm a developer and, in my quest to the perfect free license, I've found the copyleft-next project. The copyleft-next license (the next 0.4.0 version) seems to fulfill what I'm looking for but I would like some confirmations.
The license I search should :
- Ensures my code (and its modification) will be free however it is used. - Lets users choose how to use the code (even with proprietary code)
If fact, I would like some kind of AGPLv3 + LGPLv3.
The next 0.4.0 version of copyleft-next seems to have those properties :
- The section 3 provides the "Affero clause" - The definition of "Enhancement" exclude the simple usage a my code from the license. So a code using my library (import a python module in my case) should not have to be free. - But it missing the anti-tivoization clause.
Am I right ?
One another question : when do you plan to release the 0.4.0 version ?
Regards, Matthieu Gautier.
PS : I'm french and not a lawyer, please adapt my language to yours :)