On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 08:29:31AM -0500, Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:
Can we discuss institution of a rule that only Free Software and network services that share their code will be used to develop copyleft-next? Are you willing to consider such a rule (outside the scope of HBR, of course)?
Sure, it should be considered. But defining what that means may not be as easy as you are assuming.
I'm willing to set up a bugs-everywhere area in the canonical Git repository for copyleft-next and scrape all the content from there into bugs-everywhere, but *only* if there could be agreement that it would become canonical and use of the GitHub Issue Tracker would cease, with a statement on the GitHub page that says not to use the Issue Tracker, but to use bugs-everywhere instead. Is that agreeable?
I still want to investigate alternatives to bugs-everywhere. I'll try to do that soon.
It's very good to know that yesterday's incident *does not* indicate we're on a slippery slope back to GitHub. Perhaps we're on a slippery slope toward self-hosting, which is probably ok.
I don't understand why self-hosting is considered worse than using some gratis service that purports to offer its source code, which is what I read into your phrase "probably OK". Isn't self-hosting always *better* from a software freedom perspective?
BTW, have you reported bugs to Gitorious? Offered patches?
'Offering patches' doesn't make sense; even if a network service purports to provide its source code, there's no reliable way to know whether the source code is corresponding for immediate error-reporting purposes, so it's not worth the effort to try to build an instance of Gitorious myself, try to recreate the error, and then offer a patch upstream. If I were to do that, from a conservation of effort perspective I might as well just use Gitorious for self-hosting.
I pointed out one of the problems I was experiencing a while back to Gitorious, and it was corrected. As for the other mysterious glitches and suboptimal behavior I claim to have experienced, I am in the usual situation of not knowing what to report. To put it another way, it is less effort to find a non-Gitorious solution than to figure out how to usefully report the problems I've experienced.
- RF