On 08/08/2012 01:10 PM, Richard Fontana wrote:
Choice of law, actually. But as Luis Villa explained there are other problems.
Thank you for that clarity on choice of venue (etc.). I think is interesting to read @webmink's take on this subject [0].
With your "draft EPL compatibility provision" in combination with this entry from the EPL FAQ [0] suggests that both licenses can be satisfied (i.e. interpreting "narrowing") by re-distributing any upstream EPL code under the EPL and any other additional code under CLN.
Is that an accurate interpretation?
Separately, does the "Proprietary Relicensing" provision of 6.b) reference "this clause" refer only to §6.b) -or- to the entirety of §6 (preventing any distribution)?
[0] https://blogs.oracle.com/webmink/entry/choice_of_venue [1] http://www.eclipse.org/legal/eplfaq.php#PROPPROD