Richard Fontana wrote at 22:55 (EST) on Thursday:
The project is not 'returning to GitHub' (I'm not even sure what that would mean). Rather, a few people have recently been using GitHub to make contributions.
I'm not objecting to what other participants might do. The maintainer's use of GitHub, though, would make it official. Consider, for example, if Linus Torvalds started using GitHub as the location to accept merge requests.
I have rejected this merge request because it is outside the scope of the HBR. That is not in itself a rejection of the policy position you are advancing.
That makes sense. You are probably correct that it is outside HBR's scope.
Can we discuss institution of a rule that only Free Software and network services that share their code will be used to develop copyleft-next? Are you willing to consider such a rule (outside the scope of HBR, of course)?
even that continued use of the GitHub issue tracker for the GitHub repository was tolerable pending the adoption of some better option. Thus, I am just preserving the status quo.
I'm willing to set up a bugs-everywhere area in the canonical Git repository for copyleft-next and scrape all the content from there into bugs-everywhere, but *only* if there could be agreement that it would become canonical and use of the GitHub Issue Tracker would cease, with a statement on the GitHub page that says not to use the Issue Tracker, but to use bugs-everywhere instead. Is that agreeable?
One of the reasons (although a minor one -- lack of time due to my pre-existing highly demanding work and volunteer commitments is the primary reason) I haven't helped with the Issue tracker is fear that I'd put a lot of work in only to have it rejected by our dictator. :)
I am thinking of ceasing use of Gitorious because I've had one too many problems with the service. But the solution won't be substitution of GitHub for Gitorious.
It's very good to know that yesterday's incident *does not* indicate we're on a slippery slope back to GitHub. Perhaps we're on a slippery slope toward self-hosting, which is probably ok.
BTW, have you reported bugs to Gitorious? Offered patches?