Hi! We spoke with Tom Rix recently and he expressed interest in enabling the 'powerful builder' feature for the ROCm SIG Copr project where he builds ROCm stack and other related AI software.
I'm sending this request on his behalf.
Please let us know if this would work.
Dne 05. 12. 24 v 11:01 dop. Tomas Tomecek via copr-devel napsal(a):
Hi! We spoke with Tom Rix recently and he expressed interest in enabling the 'powerful builder' feature for the ROCm SIG Copr project where he builds ROCm stack and other related AI software.
I'm sending this request on his behalf.
Please let us know if this would work.
Please follow https://docs.pagure.org/copr.copr/user_documentation/powerful_builders.html#...
and submit issue here https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues
Especially think about the regexp, because if it is enabled for whole project it may slow down build of simplier packages (e.g. python-cppheaderparser).