On 02/17/2014 08:10 AM, ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org wrote:
+@api_ns.route("/coprs/search/") +@api_ns.route("/coprs/search/<project>/") +def api_coprs_search_by_project(project=None):
- """ Return the list of coprs found in search by the given project.
- project is taken either from GET params or from the URL itself
- (in this order).
- :arg project: the project one would like find for coprs.
- """
- project = flask.request.args.get("project", None) or project
- httpcode = 200
- if project:
query = coprs_logic.CoprsLogic.get_multiple(
flask.g.user, coprname=project)
repos = query.all()
output = {"output": "ok", "users": []}
for repo in repos:
output["users"].append({"name": repo.owner})
- else:
output = {"output": "notok", "error": "Invalid request"}
httpcode = 500
- jsonout = flask.jsonify(output)
- jsonout.status_code = httpcode
- return jsonout
Hmm, I would expect that this api call would do fulltext search using whooshe. Same as /coprs/fulltext/ in WebUI.