
recently (on Jan 16, 2020) a new Copr release landed production.
Here is the list of visible changes:
- We contributed to createrepo_c to speed up Copr for building large projects. Building large projects should be significantly faster.
- Web-UI <project>/builds and <project>/packages queries were also reworked to be faster.
- There is a new comand in copr-cli, "list-chroots" to list all available chroots in Copr.
- To the statistics section were added new graphs to help us monitor how many actions were processed and how many of them failed. Actions are one of: generate GPG key, delete package, delete project, etc. Builds are not counted there as they have separate graph.
- The frontend (web-UI, api) RAM was doubled because of the increasing load.
- Builder VM images were updated to get in several bugfixes, like terminal color sequences in live logs, not enough free space under /tmp and /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild, increased number maximum opened file descriptors to 10240.
- We enabled automatic createrepo_c run after build removal in very large projects.
- Removing of multiple builds in @group projects was fixed.
- Sometimes, after project creation, the initial createrepo run failed and it then blocked our build dispatcher process (until user manually re-created the metadata), this bug has been fixed.

Happy building!