On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 8:40 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr> wrote:
We used to send more info but had to trim it down due to some massive commits
that were basically breaking datagrepper (OutOfMemory), but if there is an
use-case I'm fine with expending the amount of information sent.
Worst case, do the computation client-side, listen to fedmsg, get the start and
stop commits and see which files were touched in between.

In the simplest case, we would need directory/file names of level 1 where there was
a change. That's perhaps a little too specific though. I would still very much welcome
this or overall list of modified paths. Not saying, I can't put together some really messy
code to get that information from the patches :).

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