--uh9ZiVrAOUUm9fzH Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Good Morning Everyone, Today, Xavier, Paul and I had a quick meeting about FAS3 (on #fedora-apps if some people on the channel want to read the backlog). Here is the current plan: - Update the FAS3 instance we have running in stg (which is deployed in parallel to FAS2) - Announce when that update is done so people can start poking at it - Rebase and merge the FAS3 branch in python-fedora These should be done by the end of the year. Early January: - Make FAS3 the only FAS instance in stg - Watch stg break - Fix stg Mid January: - Push to prod We realize this is a short stg period, so we will need to work on porting to FAS3 asap. We also planned early in order to be able to postpone if needed, but let's try not to :) Why so early? Doing it early February meant very little time to debug things in prod before F26 alpha freeze (and we all know how easy it is to debug/update things during freeze). Pushing it after freeze practically means we end up in the same situation (little time before the next freeze). So let's try to kick that FAS3 out of the door once and for all :) Piere --uh9ZiVrAOUUm9fzH Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iEYEARECAAYFAlhGy0YACgkQ2HRbBxDocwq+eQCffGrytd2/CUcpUAdSVZCeVgdu GfsAnA0T1lv4pdl951ZwqNjI5P1yE3jH =j9mG -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --uh9ZiVrAOUUm9fzH--