On 26 Mar 2016 21:24, "Miro Hrončok" <mhroncok@redhat.com> wrote:
> I've just looked at https://twitter.com/fedoracommunity and I've noticed 2 things:
> 1) we got only 140 followers
> 2) it's basically an RSS feed

This is basically what it was designed to be, just a firehose feed of posts from the community blog, that people can follow and get updates to from the blog straight to Twitter. The @fedora account is the account that is more personal and gets written by actual humans.

There is also the Fedora planet Twitter account that does the same firehose for planet posts.

> We once had that issue a few years ago, when I was in charge of Czech Online Linux magazine LinuxEXPRES. The thing we realized was that people are most likely to share the tweet and click the link, etc. when the tweet is different than the article name and it no longer feels like RSS feed.
> Going several tweets back, I'd do something like:
>  * We've been at #FOSSASIA in #Singapore and it was great
>  * Third and last part of “I contributed!” video series (attach one video to the tweet)
>  * #Fedora now has a Diversity Adviser. What that means?
> Those might not be perfect, but it illustrates the idea. A Twitter account has to be managed by a real person, not just by a robot, in order to attract some followers.
> --
> Miro Hrončok
> --
> Phone: +420777974800
> IRC: mhroncok
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