================================ #cockpit: Cockpit Weekly Meeting ================================
Meeting started by mvo_ at 14:01:05 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/cockpit/2015-02-23/cockpit_weekly_meeting.2... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda (mvo_, 14:02:38)
* Integration tests on Fedora 22 (mvo_, 14:05:02) * ACTION: mvo_ make/find a magic base tarball for F22 and investigate what else needs to be done (mvo_, 14:08:57)
* PCP (mvo_, 14:12:38) * ACTION: mvo_ make sure we know what we really need to have fixed in pcp. (mvo_, 14:24:48)
* Simplifying the package loading (mvo_, 14:26:28) * LINK: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/1841 (stefw, 14:30:20)
* Software updates OSTree/RPM (mvo_, 14:36:39)
* Patternfly update (mvo_, 14:53:48)
* Storage refresh and storaged (mvo_, 15:00:38)
* open floor (mvo_, 15:09:57)
Meeting ended at 15:12:56 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * mvo_ make/find a magic base tarball for F22 and investigate what else needs to be done * mvo_ make sure we know what we really need to have fixed in pcp.
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * mvo_ * mvo_ make/find a magic base tarball for F22 and investigate what else needs to be done * mvo_ make sure we know what we really need to have fixed in pcp. * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stefw (91) * mvo_ (87) * andreasn_ (51) * petervo (15) * dperpeet (14) * sgallagh (9) * zodbot (4) * github (1)
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