03.05.2022 08:46, Martin Pitt пишет:
Hello Martin,
What do you mean by "target node"? A system which you connect to
remotely over
SSH, instead of direct port 9090? That is true wrt.*not* having to install/enable cockpit-ws, these remote machines don't need an open
port. This is in fact what we recommend for production machines: Run
on an uncritical "bastion host" or use Cockpit Client [1].
However, depending on what you want to do on that remote machine, you
still may
want to add additional "Pages" like cockpit-podman or cockpit-storaged.
Thank you for useful link to flatpak cockpit client!
As "target node" I meant a node which plan to add to Cockpit web interface on main server to make possible SSH login to this node and monitoring.
I.e. it's possible to install cockpit-ws or Cockpit flatpak Client on "bastion host" but for me interesting what is a minimal cockpit software need to install on remote node to make possible remote SSH to it from main server and monitoring.
As I understood it's not enough just to add a public ssh key to file authorized_hosts on remote node.
Hello Sohin,
Sohin Vyacheslav [2022-05-03 14:19 +0300]:
As "target node" I meant a node which plan to add to Cockpit web interface on main server to make possible SSH login to this node and monitoring.
Ack, that's what I thought.
for me interesting what is a minimal cockpit software need to install on remote node to make possible remote SSH to it from main server and monitoring.
That is cockpit-system, as you already figured out (it depends on cockpit-bridge).
As I understood it's not enough just to add a public ssh key to file authorized_hosts on remote node.
Correct. We have an idea and initial prototype to make cockpit work for SSH targets which don't have *any* cockpit related package installed. But that will still take a while to develop and mature.