Hello Justin,
Justin Stephenson [2020-10-02 15:13 -0400]:
Browsing to shows me the expected cockpit login screen, but browsing to I just see 'Authentication failed'
The resulting js.log has the following line:
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to
load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1601665538764.649, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '1970818.8'}
Is there something I need to update in how we are executing the tests, or using the cockpit test library? https://github.com/Scribery/cockpit-session-recording/blob/master/test/check...
The login page has changed significantly in 228, so you need to bump your test/common checkout in Makefile to 228. (or 229 while you are at it..)
Example: https://github.com/cockpit-project/starter-kit/pull/366