Everything worked smoothly for me. A couple of suggestions:

It would be nice to have a better empty page when there are no applications. This is a more general comment to all the pages in cockpit, though, and not just for Applications. Imagine a nice landing page when empty: http://www.patternfly.org/pattern-library/communication/empty-state/#/api

Having a brief description (possibly a link to full docs?) on the list would help the newly arrived.

Some feedback on what is happening during the install would be nice. Maybe not the full output like "dnf install" but some more details. (What happens when something goes wrong, are there logs?)

On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 5:02 AM, Marius Vollmer <marius.vollmer@redhat.com> wrote:

I am working on "Applications" Cockpit: a way to install additional
software on your server, such as FreeIPA.

If you are on Fedora 26, you can try this out, and I am very much
interested in feedback of any kind.

To get started, clone this repository


into ~/.local/share/cockpit:

    $ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/cockpit
    $ cd ~/.local/share/cockpit
    $ git clone https://github.com/mvollmer/cockpit-apps-bin.git

Then re-login to Cockpit.  You should now see a new "Applications"
entry in the shell navigation menu.

You can use a COPR with some demo packages to get something to play


    # dnf copr enable mvo/cockpit-app-freeipa
    # dnf install appstream-data-mvo

Two applications should spontanously appear in Cockpit, ready to be

What do you think?  Does it work?  Is it confusing?

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