Thanks Jan. 

I suppose the best way to go about this is attempting the contrib-ansible stuff:

and swapping out the base vagrant box with F23.

There were a few minor issues i hit when i did this last time iirc a few weeks ago, using F23 and building kube from source.

jay vyas

On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Jan Chaloupka <> wrote:

new kubernetes for f23 based on origin is built [1], [2].
It is a rebase from 1.0.3 to 1.2.0 with a lot of new features and bugfixes.
At the same time possibly introducing regressions and new issues.

Anyone who can help is welcomed to test and run integration tests.
Cockpit integration tests were very helpful in discovering some of them lately.
Lets discover as much issues as possible.


Thanks and happy hunting