On 05.01.2017 09:59, Martin Pitt wrote:
Hello Marius,
thanks for sharing your setup!
Marius Vollmer [2017-01-05 10:44 +0200]:
- I run the integration tests on my bare metal laptop. They have few dependencies and do all their destructive work inside their own VMs, so there doesn't seem to be an advantage to running them inside yet another VM.
I did this (aside from the learning experience and practicing how to reproducibly set up Cockpit testing) because Stef mentioned that we don't currently run the integration tests on github PRs because of security issues (running arbitrary code from the PR on real iron, in particular the test setup), and containing the entire process in a VM might be a solution to that.
To be clear, we don't run the integration tests for unreviewed pull requests from folks not on the whitelist. Someone is expected to review the pull request and mark it for testing.
For people who are regular contributors to Cockpit, they go on a whitelist and their pull requests are tested without first waiting for a review. You've already done two pull requests in two days ... I imagine you'll get on the whitelist soon :)
The verify machines running the integration tests against GitHub always spawn new VMs to do the (often destructive testing). The tests are staged in a container (which launches the VMs) ... and sometimes that container is itself running in a VM (such as an OpenStack VM).
Here's the container: