On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Ronald J. Yacketta <yacketrj@potsdam.edu> wrote:
We are in the process of integrating Puppet into our Cobbler environment and have followed a couple guides to get the basics in place.
Looking getks I see the bits in place to install Puppet and run it, but not seeing were puppet is configured. Seem to be missing a snippet or configuration to setup the clients puppet.conf with the puppet master server etc?

What is the process to puppetize cobbler outside of enabling it in settings and adding it to the ks files?

You are correct, the snippets don't setup the puppet.conf. Most of the integration lies on the puppet master side, to do things like sign the cert, provide the external node classifier, etc. I typically create a new snippet to do the client configuration. If you create one and want to contribute it up for the official snippets I'd be happy to take it.