On 08/18/2009 01:49 AM, Dominic LoBue wrote:
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Michael DeHaan<mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
I thought that would get your attention.

My posts to cobbler-devel about asking folks to work on Debian to post
what they are doing, status, and so forth have not been answered lately,
so what
we have upstream (as a result of various patches from folks, much
appreciated -- I know everyone has limited resources themselves) are in
an inconsistent state.
I feel bad leading users down a path where they are experimenting with
code we know isn't going to do everything they want.

I won't mislead anyone, this is a large effort
* Porting all snippets
* Making repo/profile associations work
* Making import more streamlined, or otherwise unsupport it altogether
and provide better instructions
* koan --replace-self needs to work on Debian hosts
* koan --virt needs to work
* koan and cobbler need debian packaging updates for 2.0

If you have interest in seeing Debian working, you need to post up with
what you are working on and organize yourselves, or the feature will be
culled after 2.0, meanwhile I *will* be updating the Wiki docs to
indicate these features are in development and are experimental, not
something we suggest people use at this time.

I need to know who's working on what, and when they expect it can be
completed, so we can make sure it's all going to be taken care of.

SuSE support is in similar peril, with no import code, no snippets, etc.

cobbler mailing list



While I don't use Debian myself, I am updating the firmware on my HP
servers using the trick posted in the wiki which does use the Debian
features already in Cobbler.

Should it comes down to removing Debian support, is there any way to
keep support for booting HP Smart Start and HP Firmware Update cds?

cobbler mailing list

Hmm, good point.

Ideally you should be able to feed all the required --kopts in and have things work.
(However, we would still be adding extra options that would not be used, which may run us up against kernel options limits -- not so good!)

Another alternative is for us to keep "--breed" and denote that it /only/ works for PXE, in which case we only remove import support
for other distributions, repo support, and so forth.   This is actually a change that can be implemented /now/ with little affect on 2.0, and would
end the questions of "why does this not completely work" and so forth for the 2.X branch.

This may be more fair because it leaves things that are functional functional and removes things that are not.

A better solution is for folks interested in this feature to complete it, but if that's not possible, I understand.
