Hey guys,

First off, I'm trying to kick off a "light touch" Server2k8 install with cobbler. This involves using cobbler to boot an ISO boot cd, which basically contains a WinPE environment which maps a network drive and kicks off the rest of the server2008 installation. The problem? After the first few phases of the windows install, a reboot happens. 

Since there's no "wget http://cobbler/cblr/svc/op/nopxe/...." in the WinPE environment, and it's not particularly flexible because it's microsoft, I was wondering if it is possible to have netboot-enabled automatically toggle to False upon a boxes contact with cobbler(dhcpd), and/or on a per-profile basis (ie: servers with profile=win2k8). If not on a per-profile basis, is there a global option somewhere that I could maybe hack and slash some code from?

We deploy linux servers on a large scale and don't want to babysit stupid windows installations, or do it properly with active directory and network segregation. Workflow for provisioning a windows server would be: cobbler system edit --name=server123 --netboot-enabled=true , power cycle system, DONE. If cobbler doesn't provide this feature i'll have to look into slamming Wget for Winderz into the WinPE environment and running it after doing a reverse dns lookup to get the hostname (puke). Also, is there a list of "wget http://...." functions that cobbler supports in documentation anywhere?

Thanks all

Lance Laursen
Demonware Systems Engineer