This was renamed to net mask in a previous version of the app.   

Looking at the code (

        if not self.interfaces.has_key(name):
            self.interfaces[name] = {
                "mac_address" : "",
                "mtu" : "",
                "ip_address" : "",
                "dhcp_tag" : "",
                "subnet" : "", # deprecated
                "netmask" : "",

The net mask line needs to be deleted here -- we shouldn't be adding the old field back when making new objects.

5000 imaginary Cobbler points if someone would like to remove it and test that everything's still cool.


On Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Neal Shrader wrote:

Hello --

I've got a little problem regarding cobbler system netmasks, and interfacing with them through xmlrpc API.  I'm using a system that was recently upgraded to cobbler 2.3.1.  From what I can tell, the subnet field was deprecated, but I still seem to be getting it in my output, and it's affecting our cobbler syncs.  To state it explicitly:

>>> import xmlrpclib
>>> cobserver = xmlrpclib.Server("")
>>> cobserver.get_system('1301')
{'comment': '', 'status': 'production', 'kickstart': '<<inherit>>', 'name_servers_search': [], 'ks_meta': {}, 'kernel_options_post': {}, 'image': '', 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'power_type': 'ipmitool', 'power_user': '', 'kernel_options': {}, 'name_servers': [], 'mtime': 1327611145.296062, 'template_files': {}, 'gateway': '', 'uid': 'MTMwNDU0MzM2OC40NjIyNDQwODEuNTEzMTk', 'virt_auto_boot': 0, 'monit_enabled': False, 'virt_cpus': '<<inherit>>', 'mgmt_parameters': '<<inherit>>', 'boot_files': {}, 'hostname': '<redacted>', 'repos_enabled': False, 'mgmt_classes': [], 'power_pass': '', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'ipv6_autoconfiguration': False, 'profile': 'dedicated-centos-5-x86_64', 'virt_type': 'xenpv', 'interfaces': {'eth0': {'ipv6_address': '', 'interface_type': '', 'static': True, 'mtu': '', 'bonding_master': '', 'gateway': '', 'subnet': '', 'management': True, 'interface_master': '', 'hostname': '<redacted>', 'filename': '/pxelinux.0', 'mac_address': '78:2b:cb:1e:a0:3d', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'distro': {'comment': '', 'kernel': '/var/lib/cobbler/imgs/centos-5.7-x86_64/vmlinuz', 'uid': 'MTMxNjYxNTg1OC44ODc5ODUxMy44NjIzNDU', 'kernel_options_post': {}, 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'kernel_options': {}, 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'initrd': '/var/lib/cobbler/imgs/centos-5.7-x86_64/initrd.img', 'mtime': 1316615894.2218969, 'template_files': {}, 'ks_meta': {'tree': ''}, 'boot_files': {}, 'breed': 'redhat', 'os_version': 'rhel5', 'mgmt_classes': ['base'], 'fetchable_files': {}, 'tree_build_time': 0, 'arch': 'x86_64', 'name': 'dedicated-centos-5.7-x86_64', 'owners': ['admin'], 'ctime': 1316615858.881011, 'source_repos': [], 'depth': 0}, 'virt_bridge': 'xenbr0', 'bonding': '', 'bonding_opts': '', 'ipv6_mtu': '', 'ip_address': '', 'dhcp_tag': '', 'name': '<redacted>', 'static_routes': [], 'ipv6_static_routes': [], 'dns_name': '<redacted>', 'netmask': '', 'bridge_opts': '', 'ipv6_secondaries': [], 'next_server': '', 'ipv6_default_gateway': ''}}, 'virt_path': '<<inherit>>', 'power_address': '', 'proxy': '<<inherit>>', 'fetchable_files': {}, 'virt_file_size': '<<inherit>>', 'ldap_enabled': False, 'ipv6_default_device': '', 'ctime': 1304543368.45784, 'virt_disk_driver': '<<inherit>>', 'owners': ['admin'], 'name': '1301', 'virt_ram': '<<inherit>>', 'power_id': '', 'server': '<<inherit>>', 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'depth': 2, 'ldap_type': 'authconfig', 'template_remote_kickstarts': 0}


Note in the above I have a netmask = which is associated with the interface (eth0).  I also seem to have a  "subnet" value which is set to  I can modify the interface netmask fine:


>>> token = cobserver.login(USERNAME,PASSWORD)
>>> handle = cobserver.get_system_handle('1301',token)
>>> cobserver.modify_system(handle, 'modify_interface', { "netmask-eth0" : ""  }, token )
>>> cobserver.get_system('1301')
{'comment': '', 'status': 'production', 'kickstart': '<<inherit>>', 'name_servers_search': [], 'ks_meta': {}, 'kernel_options_post': {}, 'image': '', 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'power_type': 'ipmitool', 'power_user': '', 'kernel_options': {}, 'name_servers': [], 'mtime': 1327611145.296062, 'template_files': {}, 'gateway': '', 'uid': 'MTMwNDU0MzM2OC40NjIyNDQwODEuNTEzMTk', 'virt_auto_boot': 0, 'monit_enabled': False, 'virt_cpus': '<<inherit>>', 'mgmt_parameters': '<<inherit>>', 'boot_files': {}, 'hostname': '<redacted>', 'repos_enabled': False, 'mgmt_classes': [], 'power_pass': '', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'ipv6_autoconfiguration': False, 'profile': 'dedicated-centos-5-x86_64', 'virt_type': 'xenpv', 'interfaces': {'eth0': {'ipv6_address': '', 'interface_type': '', 'static': True, 'mtu': '', 'bonding_master': '', 'gateway': '', 'subnet': '', 'management': True, 'interface_master': '', 'hostname': '<redacted>', 'filename': '/pxelinux.0', 'mac_address': '78:2b:cb:1e:a0:3d', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'distro': {'comment': '', 'kernel': '/var/lib/cobbler/imgs/centos-5.7-x86_64/vmlinuz', 'uid': 'MTMxNjYxNTg1OC44ODc5ODUxMy44NjIzNDU', 'kernel_options_post': {}, 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'kernel_options': {}, 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'initrd': '/var/lib/cobbler/imgs/centos-5.7-x86_64/initrd.img', 'mtime': 1316615894.2218969, 'template_files': {}, 'ks_meta': {'tree': ''}, 'boot_files': {}, 'breed': 'redhat', 'os_version': 'rhel5', 'mgmt_classes': ['base'], 'fetchable_files': {}, 'tree_build_time': 0, 'arch': 'x86_64', 'name': 'dedicated-centos-5.7-x86_64', 'owners': ['admin'], 'ctime': 1316615858.881011, 'source_repos': [], 'depth': 0}, 'virt_bridge': 'xenbr0', 'bonding': '', 'bonding_opts': '', 'ipv6_mtu': '', 'ip_address': '', 'dhcp_tag': '', 'name': '<redacted>', 'static_routes': [], 'ipv6_static_routes': [], 'dns_name': '<redacted>', 'netmask': '', 'bridge_opts': '', 'ipv6_secondaries': [], 'next_server': '', 'ipv6_default_gateway': ''}}, 'virt_path': '<<inherit>>', 'power_address': '', 'proxy': '<<inherit>>', 'fetchable_files': {}, 'virt_file_size': '<<inherit>>', 'ldap_enabled': False, 'ipv6_default_device': '', 'ctime': 1304543368.45784, 'virt_disk_driver': '<<inherit>>', 'owners': ['admin'], 'name': '1301', 'virt_ram': '<<inherit>>', 'power_id': '', 'server': '<<inherit>>', 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'depth': 2, 'ldap_type': 'authconfig', 'template_remote_kickstarts': 0}


However that other subnet value, I don't seem to have a way to edit or remove that I'm aware of.

The problem with this is when I attempt to cobbler sync, dhcpd.conf is updated with that global subnet value instead of the netmask value that I set myself.  How do I remove or edit the incorrect subnet value?  Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

Thank you for looking!

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