On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 3:44 AM, David Lee <david.lee@ecmwf.int> wrote:
(cobbler 2.0.11; old; we could upgrade...)  RedHat systems.

We have a local repo of additional RPMs, so we linked cobbler to this via:
    cobbler repo add --mirror=url ...

That works fine.

But it would also be useful if that URL specification could refer to a set of URLs.  We maintain additional copies of this repo for resilience on multiple machines, and set up our clients' yum to use "mirrorlist".  But is there a way for cobbler, when installing a client, also to have such a list available to it, rather than just the one "--mirror=url"?=

It's funny that you mention this, as I was just talking about this in IRC last night. The short answer: no, cobbler doesn't support mirrors.  The conversation started last night as a user mentioned that --mirror is easily confused with --mirror-locally, which I completely agree with especially since you're not setting the mirror URL - you're setting the baseurl. 

Another problem is that a lot of the repo stuff is still handled through "magic" variables like $yum_repo_stanza. In my opinion, all of that logic needs to be moved to templates and snippets, which would make fixing something like this much easier for end users.

The downside (especially for you on 2.0.11) is that this fix would be in a future version, so you'd definitely have to upgrade.

TL;DR version - open an issue on github and I'll get working on it in the near future.