Hello Guys,


I do manage our corporate provisioning server( dedicated Cobbler 2.4.0) for installation of linux via DHCP/TFTP/PXE and it does work really well!!!

We enjoy easy provisioning via the nice cobbler-web interface  that manage our dhcp, this is ALL great for our environment.

It allow my colleagues to do easy provisioning, they love it, many thanks for your nice work!


After the kickstart, vm get register on a Spacewalk server that I manage

I notice Spacewalk server does include cobbler (version 2.0.11)

I am thinking about using spacewalk cobbler functionalities but I am not sure how nice it might play together.


So here my questions, hopefully I might be able to integrate them together:

-Does Spacewalk mess a lot into Cobbler operations?

-Can  cobbler-web work with cobbler included into spacewalk?

-If we dig into cobbler without the nice cobbler-web interface in Spacewalk, do you think it may manage dhcp in the same way, macaddress and ip, dns and sync this cobbler sync to manage dhcp?


Thank you very much in advance!



Sylvain Angers
UNIX Technology Integrator – Infrastructure Integration Team
IT - Computing Services

CN - North America’s Railroad
935 de la Gauchetiere W
Montréal, Québec, H3B 2M9