I am running cobbler 2.6.3 under RHEL6.6 in order to set up bare metal recovery via PXEBOOT. I am getting the following message while trying to kickstart a server.


Unable to download kickstart file. Please modify the kickstart parameter below …




My document root is defined as /var/www/html and it contains the directory above. If I copy and paste the link into a browser it displays the correct file. I have the entire cblr/svc/op/ks/system/bmrsandbox structure copied under /var/www and / as well but it still cannot find it. As a sanity check I stopped IPTABLES on the server and confirmed SELinux is set to passive and it still cannot get the file. Still no cigar.


What am I missing?


Fred Magee, DTM

Systems Programmer


(505)768-4615 (Fax)

(505)205-5753 (Cell)
