The desktop distro is different from the server version, and there currently isn't a signature for it. I have gotten it to work via 'distro add', but import won't work quite yet.

You can modify the signatures yourself (it's just JSON) if you want to experiment with it.

On Aug 4, 2013 3:06 PM, "Bob Cochran" <> wrote:
I have not been using cobbler in a while but now I need to. I basically need to install virtual guests (running under the Mac OS X version of Virtual Box...and I have a Mac OS X host). My goal is to import the Ubuntu 13.04 amd64 desktop distribution into cobbler and then have my VirtualBox guest pxe boot to the installer for itand do the entire install over the network.

Cobbler version:

[root@cobbler1 ~]# cobbler version
Cobbler 2.4.0
source: 923574f, Thu Jun 20 00:42:48 2013 -0500
build time: Sun Aug 4 11:58:30 2013

On reading the documentation on for Distros:

"In general, it’s really a lot easier to follow the import workflow -- it only requires waiting for the mirror content to be copied and/or scanned. Imported mirrors also save time during install since they don’t have to hit external installation sources. Please read the Cobbler Import <> documentation for more details."

...I decided to try this without first creating "distro" or "system" objects:

cobbler import --path=/media/stuff --name=ubuntu-13-x86_64 --arch=x86_64

I have this result:

received on stderr:
Found a matching signature: breed=ubuntu, version=raring
Adding distros from path /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/ubuntu-13-x86_64-x86_64:
No distros imported, bailing out

Do I need to manually create a "distro" and "system" first?


Bob Cochran

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